Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, & Algebra 2 (1.0) Teaching Textbooks

Product:Teaching Textbooks

Subject: math

Levels Used: Pre-Algebra thru Algebra 2

Dates Used: 2008-2010

Pros: Easy to use, understandable for student, explanations given for all problems. Great for those teachers who do not excel in math themselves.

Cons: My daughter tested very poorly on the entrance math testing for community college even after having gone through all of the above programs. They put her in Pre-Algebra! I talked with other homeschoolers who had the same experience.
I was shocked and dismayed at the results. I would really check around with a lot of others who have used this program and see how their kids tested and are doing in college math courses before I would spend the money on this program. Sorry, but my experience totally goes against the hype on this one.

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